What is it with people and holidays? It’s like they suddenly remember the small things in life that count, like a walk through the park with the dog or playing ball with the kids. But why only on holiday? Why do they all have to remember this in the same time, so that there’s not an inch free in the park to walk? Do people enjoy this much feeling crowded? Does it make them feel less alone and that’s why they continue? I personally enjoy more a walk on the banks of the lake when there are less people around… I think it’s more relaxing and you can really see the beautiful scenery without having to think “am I going to step on this guy’s toes?” or “am I going to get run over by a bicycle?”
Nevertheless I get a warm feeling to see that so many people enjoying themselves in the great outdoors and not in front of their TVs, in traffic or in a mall. I was surprised to see the huge success of the boats that offer small tours of the lake or the smaller boats that you have to row yourself. I’m very glad you can still do this, it reminds me of my first time on a boat J
So my message for today is: GET OUT MORE OFTEN!! Haha, really! You’ll be surprised how good you’ll feel afterwards. What I like to do is ride my bicycle from Aviatorilor square to the Triumph Arch on Kiseleff Avenue, then go through the park on Michael Jackson alley all the way down to the lake, then turn right and just follow the lake until the railway bridge and back. It takes about 90 minutes or so and it’s guaranteed to make you smile through the day.
Ma bucur ca ai descoperit bucuria miscarii si placerea de a iti petrece timpul in mijlocul naturii. Sunt o parte din sentimentele care ma fac saptamana de saptamana sa nu-mi mai pese de alte treburi si sa dau o fuga pe munte.
Lasand lucrurile cuminti la o parte cred ca ti-ar placea sa iti vorbesc de urmatorul plan al meu, o idee la care tin foarte mult, voi participa la un maraton montan. Tot ce imi doresc de cateva zile incoace este sa termin maratonul. Mai multe detalii cand ne intalnim :)
Am sa te iau in curand la o plimbare, si nu prin Herastrau. De data asta este vorba de o plimbare cuminte prin locuri blande, nu pe unde imi sta mie in obisnuinta sa merg :)). Apropo, ultima tura a fost pe V. Rea (numele spune multe...), am cam omorat-o pe Laura, sa o pui sa-ti povesteasca!
Suna foarte dragut maratonul tau, dar am uitat sa te intreb de el cand ne-am vazut!
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